I was reading an article on the Huffington Post this morning (mmmm politics are GOOD for breakfast!) and there was an article explaining why 'Healthy' habits may be a bad thing. This got me thinking- are we really healthier now than we used to be? I think NOT!
You may read the entire article http://www.huffingtonpost.com/therese-borchard/6-healthy-habits-that-can_b_300013.html
You may read the entire article http://www.huffingtonpost.com/therese-borchard/6-healthy-habits-that-can_b_300013.html
For example: When I was a kid we played outside all day- I mean it- really- all freakin' day. When the street lights came on we had to be home. Saturdays especially, probably due to the Bowling for Dollars and Horror movies that were on. I mean seriously- ewwwwwww. So we played outside and rode our bikes. Yeah- we were girls but we played outside. We made forts and hung out with our friends. I remember taking Barbies to a new level when we used to fling the Barbie's camper down the back stairs and have 'EMERGENCY' episodes of our own.OHHH when they met our cousin's GI Joes........
The real GI Joes with fuzzy hair and cool gear. Kung Fu grip even! These were tough characters with scars and everything. You know they had been through shit. They were made strong but the challenges they had faced. NICE. We didn't have hand sanitizer or half the Immunizations we have now. Nobody wore bike helmets and we never heard of Neosporin. Seriously- are we creating a nation of pansy kids? I guess if I think about it, I am as guilty as the next person. As a fearful yet pragmatic single Mom, keeping the kids safe and well was as much out of love as it was practical. If one of my kids got sick My employer gave me huge problems staying home with them so it was best avoided.
I always tried to make sure they remembered their gloves, avoided strangers, and basically wrapped them in bubble wrap to protect them from the dangers of the world. Did it work? Yes and no. They all survived but at what price? My oldest daughter is 20 and afraid to leave home. My fault. Luckily the man in my life intervened and prevented me from completely turning my son into a pussy, Thank God for him. On more than one occasion he threw his hands up and told me point blank I was being silly and to let the boy go do whatever it was and he would be fine. He was always right.
He grew up with GI Joes too and he knew that to be strong one must tackle adversity and come through it instead of avoiding it altogether....
So here is my advice. Let them play outside and skip the hand sanitizer.
Great post. I agree that "Healthy" living is a bit overdone -- you can't tell a kid to stop and use the hand sanitizer every single time they touch something, after all. Plus, with all the immunizations and antibiotics and whatnot that we go through these days, they're actually weakening our natural immune system's ability to do what it's supposed to do by making it work, much like steroids do to muscles.